ABH Movement

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If you struggle to forgive yourself, read this...

How often do you experience this:

You say or do something that you used to do differently and you go "ugh, why didn't I do this this way BEFORE?"

This might be something reasonably simple and unemotional, like the way you peel a mango (if you don't know what I'm talking about, here is my Sunday life-hack for you) but it might ALSO be something more personally meaningful and sensitive to you- like allowing yourself to be treated a certain way.

Something I’m practicing this week is forgiving myself for not knowing then what I know now.

Oftentimes, we can be our own biggest critic. We do the very best we can to respond to situations with the information we have available at the time, but then we can shame ourselves down the road when we "know better".

Speaking from personal experience, I used to do this ALL the time (and I'm happy to say I'm gradually getting better, but man is it hard). When we shame ourselves for "not knowing better", we are doing the opposite of practicing self-love.

Here's a tool for practicing self-forgiveness:

When you learn how to do something differently and want to say to yourself "I should have known better before", can you imagine your past self as a child. You wouldn't expect a 6 year old to know better- they're just learning and figuring this out, and so were you at the time.

If you give this a try and find it helpful, please let me know, I would love to hear from you. Let’s celebrate how we've grown, what we've learned, and forgive ourselves for when we didn't know better. We could all use a little forgiveness and support right now <3